The Life Changing Magic of Chateau d'Orquevaux (May 2024 French Artist Residency Recap & Painting Info)

I’ve been back from my art residency at Chateau d’Orquevaux, in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France, for almost two weeks - which is as long as I was there. It’s taken me that long to figure out what I want to say in this recap, because in just those two weeks, it feels like everything changed - that I was changed. I talked about this feeling in an instagram post last year, when I shared one of my abstract paintings, “Not the Same”. I described that painting as representing “how it feels when something changes us. That may be someone new coming into your life, or a loved one leaving it. Discovering a new place, or saying goodbye to one that felt like home. You can be not the same in a transformed, expansive way, or in a way that feels like you lost something you can never get back. It can be triggered by something immensely significant, or a tiny spark. It could be all of these things, or none of these things, something else entirely.”

“Not the Same”, 36x24”, 2023
In the case of my time as an artist-in-residence at Chateau d’Orquevaux, I was transformed in all of those ways, in rapid succession one after the other in a short two weeks. I could talk about the charming details: the morning croissants, gourmet dinners full of local produce and the most delicious desserts each night, the French wine, and my gatehouse complete with washer & dryer. And, the truth is, all of those details mattered tremendously to the ability to create and not worry about our immediate needs, other than what needed to pour out of us. The experience is intentionally curated by Beulah, Ziggy and team, and they did a wonderful job of making sure that everything was taken care of for us. It is amazing how, as if by magic (and diligent research), the team hand picks not only the ~20% of applicants who are accepted into the residency, but who needs to be there at the same time, and which studio and living space will be perfect for each of us.
I applied to the residency during the summer of 2022 and found out I was accepted in September 2023. I had originally listed October 2024 as my first choice, figuring my son would be almost 6 by then, which would make being away for so long easier somehow. When I was accepted for May 2024, I trusted that things work in mysterious ways and I was going to end up exactly where I should be. I didn’t yet know that a few weeks later I’d be laid off from my full-time job and that the residency would be more than I ever could have asked for, at a point in my life when I really needed the time and creative energy it gave me - and that I’d be with an amazing group of people who needed it, too.
There was inspiration everywhere. The beautiful chateau, full of original details and found antiques. The property, how completely green and untouched it all seemed. The flowing river, freezing cold pond, and dirt trails leading to the chickens and goats. We found solitude during the day, whether in our studios or out in nature, and spent time together at night - laughing by the bonfire or smoking table, a new moon circle in the boathouse, dressing in costume for a murder mystery, or lounging in the stable studios. Shrieking, in hushed whispers, as the sky danced above us, the Northern Lights on full and unexpected display. I found myself giddy with laughter each night, even as it approached 1 or 2 a.m. (way past my normal bedtime of 9 p.m.).

A collection of photos from the two weeks. Thanks to @ninjagoldfish for our group photo.
And then there are the parts that I can’t really coherently describe, at least not yet - fragments of fully formed thoughts. That I’ll never be able to un-know how it felt. The tears that came halfway through in anticipation of how much I’d miss the place and people. How I knew them before I ever really did. To have been the essence of myself. Being blown away by all of the visual art and dancing and music and words. The freedom and fullness and gratitude to have been part of it, and for it to become part of me.
If you are an artist of any genre, I highly recommend applying to the residency. If you are considering it or just want to know more, I am happy to answer any questions here in the comments or on Instagram @jocelynelizabeth_studio.
Collection Information
I put these feelings and sense of place into paintings and poetry while I was there, and have more bursting to get out. I came home with a collection of mini studies on paper and 6 larger paintings on canvas (see below for a behind the scenes video of my studio). I also left 1 painting as part of the Chateau d’Orquevaux permanent collection.
Over the coming weeks, I’ll share more details about the work in hopes that it gives you a sense of place, of how special this time was, and allows you to bring a piece of this world into your own life and home.
I will be releasing the work in two phases:
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. EST: 44 Orquevaux mini studies, ranging in size from 2.5x3.5” to 8x10”, will be released via my website, with password only access to my email collector’s list (if you are not already signed up and would like to be, leave a comment or DM me with your email address, or sign up directly here).

Orquevaux Mini Studies
Tuesday, June 4,2024 at 3:00 p.m. EST: Orquevaux mini studies will be available to all via my website.
Date TBD (likely mid-July): The remaining work will be released. I anticipate about 15 pieces, including larger works on canvas as well as 12x12” mixed-media pieces on wood panel.
Thank you so much for your support! Let me know what questions you have in the comments or reach out anytime!